Extra Cheesy Buffalo Chicken Quesadillas

Extra Cheesy Buffalo Chicken Quesadillas

Prepare time: 10 min
Cook: 30 min
Ready in: 40 min
Extra Cheesy Buffalo Chicken Quesadillas are recommended for the cheese lovers out there. Not only cheesy, but it also tastes refreshing and flavorful. Moreover, the recipe is pretty easy and quick to make.
How to make Extra Cheesy Buffalo Chicken Quesadillas
You only need 40 minutes to make four portions full of Extra Cheesy Buffalo Chicken Quesadillas at home. Now, follow the recipe below until the end.


·         450 gr cooked chicken breasts (with no bones and skins), shred or cut into cubes
·         Seasoning like salt & pepper
·         50 gr buffalo sauce
·         Four large layers of flour tortillas
·         60 gr softened butter
·         300 gr cheddar cheese (shredded)
·         200 gr mozzarella cheese (shredded)
·         60 gr ranch dressing


1.     1First of all, you need to prepare a mixing bowl with medium or large sized. Then, place the chicken pieces in it along with the buffalo coat. Don’t forget to add the seasoning like salt and pepper. Make sure that you mix these ingredients well, and the chicken is evenly coated with the mixture.
2.     2Set the bowl of chicken aside for a while and prepare another mixing bowl to combine the other ingredients. Here, you need to place the cheeses and mix them well. After that, you may set the cheese mixture aside and continue to the following step written below.
3.     3Prepare a large skillet and spray with non-stick spray. After that, heat the skillet over medium heat. When it is hot enough, you may spread a spoon of butter on top of the skillet. Next, place a tortilla on top of the melted butter and immediately place the quesadillas on top of it.
4.     4After that, layer with cheese spread the chicken mixture on it. Also, don’t forget to add a spoon of the ranch and sprinkle again with cheese on top. Then, you may fold the quesadilla to close. Make sure you cook the quesadilla until crispy for around 3 minutes.
5.     5Use two spatulae to prevent cook and flip the spatula so that it will be completely cooked. Then, place the quesadilla on a cutting board to rest for several minutes. After that, you may cut the quesadilla into several slices with a pizza cutter, and it is ready to enjoy.
6.     For the serving, you need to place the slices of quesadillas on top of the serving platter and enjoy this dish along with other side dishes and garnish, like buffalo sauce or ranch dressing. The Extra Cheesy Buffalo Chicken Quesadillas tastes better if you enjoy the immediately while it is hot.

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