Chicken Piccata Pasta Toss
If you want the tasty recipe of today, you have to try the most satisfying food
in this universe. This food is one type of a delicious pasta that mix with the
soft texture of the chicken. This pasta called by chicken Piccata pasta. If you
want to try this types of pasta, you can make it in your kitchen. You can
spread the smoke of this aroma of pasta all around your room and make everybody
on your home feeling hungry. We love to share this tasty pasta because we know
that we cannot have beautiful life without delicious pasta inside our mouth. So,
let’s begin with the details of ingredients and the measure that you need to
How to make chicken piccata pasta toss
Make this
type of pasta is easy as you make the other type of pasta. All the combination
is perfect with the spices. You could combine any flavor that available in your
kitchen shelves cabinet. And, you do not have to worry about the ingredients.
The parts are easy to find and simple to cook. So, enjoy your cook everybody!
Three tablespoons of virgin olive oil
One pound of chicken breast tender. Cut into small pieces.
One tablespoon of salt and black pepper.
Two tablespoons of butter
Two large of garlic and onion (minced it)
One cup of floor
½ cup white wine
One cup of lemon juice
One cup of chicken broth
½ cup of parsley
One pound of pasta cook al dente
1Heat a large pot for medium head. Add virgin olive
oil and the chicken to the large pot. Pour the salt and black pepper into the
chicken. Cook the chicken until getting brown and no longer has pink color for
7 minutes.
2Take the chicken into a plate and put back the large
pot. Add virgin olive oil and one tablespoon of butter. Place the garlic and
onion into the large pan. Saute it for 4 minutes. Add some flour to the pot for
2 minutes.
3Insert the white wine and whisk it softly for 2
minutes. Put the parsley into the pot. Put a little butter, so the materials
will lightly and has fragrant smell. Take the chicken into the pan and whisk it
with the other materials.
4Toss the cooked pasta with the chicken and sauce.
Your food is finish. Also, add some salt and black pepper on it.
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